[ Mekin Photography ]
About Me


I work for Havok in San Francisco and no longer pursue photography professionally, although I am still an avid enthusiast. See my latest work on my flickr stream.


Sumatran Plantations

From 2005 - 2006 and again from December 2007 - June 2008 I lived in Indonesia, working on a National Geographic funded research project called In Search of Orang Pendek, the quest for photographic evidence of a cryptid homonid called orang pendek (Indonesian for "short person"). Orang pendek is purportedly an undocumented bipedal primate, previously studied by many Western researchers and considered by many cryptozoologists to be the most likely cryptid to actually exist, although its existence remains unproven.

My capacity as field researcher did not include photographer; motion activated cameras provided our data set. However, my location and love of photography provided the opportunity to capture some of the images on this website.

For most of 2007 I was a freelance photographer, with clients ranging from my local paper to Falconnier Design in Knoxville, TN.

Like what you see?

For the last 1.5 years, I was also a freelance web designer. This website uses the Prototype JavaScript framework in conjunction with Scriptaculous for most of the fading/intro effects and Lightbox for the large photo-reveal effect. For the gallery interface, I used MatLab to create the large scrollable image and JavaScript for the scrolling rollover interface. Besides the aforementioned open source JavaScript libraries, the site is entirely my original creation. No Flash is used on this site, nor this one.

When I'm not shooting, I'm coding, so please contact me for more information regarding web design or other software needs.

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